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Lesson 2
– Dr Sayan Bhattacharyya 
 The cell is the basic unit of the living beings.  It is composed of Nucleus, Cytoplasm, cytoplasmic organelles and Cell membrane.  Cell wall is found in plants, fungi and Bacteria.  Cell wall is not present in human or animal cells.
  Cytoplasm is made up of lipoproteins.  
 Nutrition: Plants make  their own nutrients by Photosynthesis.  Chlorophyll helps in this regard.  
 Inside the cell proteins and enzymes are produced by Endoplasmic reticulum and processed by Golgi bodies. Respiration in cell is carried out by Mitochondria.  However in prokaryotes line bacteria, respiration is carried out by Mesosomes.  
 Protein chain elongation is done by ribosomes and tRNA.

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